Management Committee

Our Management Committee
Capricorn Coast Landcare Group is an 'incorporated entity' which means we operate through a Constitution and an Executive Management Committee.
Being incorporated allows us to apply for government funding and use financial support from other agencies to undertake our projects. An annual audit forms part of our accountability, as do regular minuted committee meetings, an Annual General Meeting, and reporting to the Office of Fair Trading.
We encourage all financial members to keep in touch, attend meetings, and have a say about the direction the group will take.
A part time Coordinator is employed to manage the Envirolink Centre, oversee projects and administration, and liaise with members/volunteers and the Management Committee on operational matters.
2023-2024 Elected Management Committee
President - Malcolm Wells​
Vice President - Andi Jaemjamrat
​Secretary - Karen Pomfrett
​Treasurer - Tony Claridge
​Envirolink Coordinator - Sara Hillman
2024 Management Meeting Minutes
Jan April July