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Transitioning to sustainability

Our Landcare Group takes a proactive approach in promoting sustainable use of our planet's finite resources. For far too long, humans have misused plastic and a host of other non-renewables. Plastic pollution in particular, is having  a catastrophic impact on the environment and this is most evident in our oceans. We support behaviour change and the creation of new consumer habits that are good for the Planet.

Be part of the solution

Rethinking plastic

Plastic is choking the planet! Its positive qualities count for little when we consider the alarming rate at which we purchase it and throw it away.


The fact is, it lasts forever in the environment and never breaks down. And this is a big problem.

Ask us about:

Managing our waste

As a society, we need to commit to reducing waste. We are exploiting our natural resources and taking more from the planet and throwing it away then we ever have before.  It seems everything is made to be disposable these days; but this paradigm is dangerous.

Ask us about: 

Sourcing local food

Capricorn Coast Landcare Group promotes local farmers, growers and food markets because they help reduce the transportation of food interstate, meaning less carbon emissions. They also contribute money to our local economies.  There's plenty of ways to share and source good local food.


Ask us about:


Behaviour change

We can be knowledgeable about a lot of things but the test comes when we behave the way we aspire to. Making that transition from knowing what to do and actually being prepared to do it and commit can be a difficult journey.

Ask us about: 

  • Reducing our carbon footprint

  • Climate change impacts

  • Local actions to transition to a sustainable community: such as: Jack's Paddock Community Garden

  • Bicycle User Group (BUG)

  • Solar energy initiatives in our area

  • Food miles, buying local, and supporting local growers

  • Reducing waste in our homes

  • Ways to cut the plastic habit

  • Buying seasonal fruit and veg

  • Ways to encourage biodiversity and wildlife into your backyard

  • Habitat Stepping Stones Progamme

  • The value in volunteering

  • Rethinking how we get around

  • Creating environmental experiences for our children

  • Designing native gardens


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